Monday, June 22, 2015


E3 just happened, and while I was not initially excited about any of the material, I watched the Doom 4 coverage.

Holy shit.

Doom 4 looks like everything I've ever wanted in a Doom game. Its a true return to form for the series. Not only did it look sleek and smooth, the addition of a takedown system implies so much about the game play. It means you are frequently going to be in close quarters with the enemies, and the risk of getting pummeled is going to be worth it to conserve ammo. Sure in the demo the Doomguy took a bit less damage and ammo wasn't a big concern, but that's the demo. They didn't want to run the risk of getting run over while building hype. A bit less ammo return, a bit more damage income and we have a true successor to the Doom of old.

What's interesting to me is the degree to which people have been shitting on the game. It boggles my mind how some people go through life. I'm no blind optimist. I don't see things always working out or being the best possible outcome. However, to decry this game based on what we've seen is ludicrous. The most vocal complaint is that the levels look like they were ported over from Doom 3. Here a shocker, WHO FUCKING CARES. The levels in Doom 3 were totally, completely, outrageously fine. Claustrophobic corridors and tromping through Hell were the only parts of that game that didn't need improvement. The lighting in the demo was good, the action was consistent and frantic, the enemies had diverse behavior. The graphics were outstanding, but honestly the game looks about as good as Doom 3 looked for its day.

Honestly, it could be a straight remake of Doom 3 with improved game play for all I care. Literally level by level. I mean, that's essentially what it is, since every Doom has been a remake of the game before it. The story has always been the same, and the narrative has always worked. They didn't call the explosion of FPS games in the 90's Doom Clones for nothing. That formula of being one guy outnumbered and outgunned has functioned for years and years. At some point though, *cough Doom 3*, the other titles on the market innovated in the right direction. They didn't slow down, they sped up. They didn't add in extra narrative, they just did more with the little bit of exposition they felt they could get away with. Instead of being outraged that Doom 4 appears to borrow from Halo I'm ecstatic. Halo had the right amounts of narrative, at least while under Bungie's control. Halo, though, is essentially a PG13 game. Doom is the R rated alternative. Its violence is gory, over the top and pulls not punches. Or dismemberments. Or decapitations. Instead of fighting some alien armada, you are fighting the literal forces of Hell itself.

I am cautious about my enthusiasm. I can understand why the community would be as well. Doom 3 seemed like a game that was impossible to fuck up, and they somehow forgot what it meant to be Doom while making it and fucked it up. If the presentation was any indication though, they remembered. Maybe some new blood helped spice it up. Maybe after the catastrophe that was Doom 3 they realized the freebie was over and they had to sing for their supper again. Whatever it was that made them look at the genre with fresh eyes and not assume they knew better since they started the revolution it seems that Doom 4 is going to benefit from immensely.

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