Sunday, November 10, 2019

Deck Diaries: Kaalia Week 1

Welcome to Deck Diaries, the series where I tune an EDH list over the course of several weeks. Today I'm starting on the journey to rebuild an old favorite. Back before I took my hiatus from Magic, I had built a Kaalia deck that I thoroughly enjoyed. I've wanted to rebuild Kaalia since I started playing again. Unfortunately, many of the pieces have become expensive in the intervening years. I went with Varina as my first deck since there was a pretty easy path to getting the precon and updating the deck over time.

When I built Kaalia of the Vast there wasn't a term for it, but its come to be known as Group Slug. The goal is to play a variety of hate pieces to disrupt the game. Rest in Peace, Stony Silence, Torpor Orb. The deck included a number of Armageddon effects since Kaalia can shortcut mana. It used Necropotence as its primary engine. Necro has the unique property of not actually drawing cards, letting it get around Spirit of the Labrynth and Chains of Mephistopheles. It also provided constant fuel, letting Kaalia drop threat after threat until the table buckled. What makes Kaalia the best for group slug is that many Demons/Angels/Dragons are themselves hate cards. Prior to her banning, Iona was a great example. She was simultaneously a threat and a hate piece.

However, there's a problem here. The problem isn't one in game, its one in real life. That deck was expensive when I had it, and has only gotten more expensive over time. I doubt I'll ever own chains or moat or nether void again. Kaalia herself is 30 dollars, which is probably half of what I want to spend in a given week. I'm getting around that problem by going with a basic deck and using the new Kaalia. The plan is to transition to Kaalia of the Vast in a future update, probably week 3. This will let me play a deck with the same structure I want to use for its final form. The initial deck is a mix of the old decklist and cards I happen to own. I am avoiding cards specifically for Kaalia, Zenith Seeker since she's going to be demoted to the 99 in short order.

Where Varina's tagline was, "Powerful but Fair," Kaalia's game is decidedly unfair. It isn't unfair in the combo sense. In fact, the deck's genesis was from having played many combo decks. People complained about combo a lot, so I decided to build the anti-combo deck. I built it with the intention of shutting off as many combos as I could and winning with big dude beats. Its unfair in that Kaalia represents 5-8 free mana every turn. That lets you get away with mana denial plans where other decks can't keep up.

The first and most important part of building a deck like this is being aware of the anti-synergies you are creating. Torpor Orb is a great hate piece. Tainted Aether is a great hate piece. Torpor Orb turns off Tainted Aether. So the challenge is minimizing the anti-synergies and having ways to find the right piece of the right time. The goal with Varina was to build a deck that I could take to just about any table. Kaalia is a bit...different. Like Stax or other competitive decks, I won't be playing Kaalia a lot once it gets tuned up. In the intervening stage I think its fine to throw into any game.

This is the initial list I'm going to start playing this week. Its a bit more...haphazard than the precon I started from for Varina. I am hoping for the first update to smooth out the mana and drop some of the ineficient cards for better Fatties and to pick up some of the engine pieces. I'll lay out how the experiment is going next week, till then Cheers!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Varina - Final Week


Welcome to Deck Diary, the series where I tune a deck over the course of several weeks.
Last week can be found here:
The decklist I played this week:

This past weekend I got to go to CommandFest Seattle. It was a good time, and I got in a ton of games with Varina. I think the deck is where I want it to be. I played at casual and competitive tables and ran the gamut of environments. The deck played well all day. Just having a high level of interaction in the deck let me frequently disrupt combos, and having a strong clock that finds more answers let me chain removal together to keep opponents off-balance.

Generally, the games played out that I would land an early drop and deal with a problem. Then I would land a card advantage engine, Varina, Archive, Discovery, etc. Then I would use cantrips and looting to find the right action for the board. If games went long, turning my graveyard into zombies usually out-attritioned my opponents. I think if I was willing to make the deck more unfair with Altars and other combo elements it would be really mean.

One particular game stands out. The game had gone on a long time. I had Kindred Discovery and Alhammaret's Archive in play. I had 20 mana in play. The plan was to Unburial Rites on Wayward Servant to draw some cards. Well, one of the cards I hit was Army of the Damned. So I drew 26 cards, which left me with 1 card in my deck and drained everyone for 13. This knocked out two players but there was a Karlov player at 80. With the rest of my mana, I cast Zombie Infestation and then Bone Miser. I proceeded to make zombies with the lethal Kindred Discovery trigger on the stack. Not letting the draw triggers resolve while letting the mana and zombie making triggers resolve from Miser. Stacking more and more mana until casting a From Under the Floorboards for 15, then casting Shadow of the Grave to buy all the cards back, doing it again, then casting Empty the Pits for turbo lethal. It was pretty sweet

I actually liked that aspect of the deck quite a bit and may explore it further in the future. I like that its a way to end the game but only works when I've got a lot of pieces. Its also fairly unique. People don't mind being combo'ed out the more novel the combo. Killing everyone with Zombie Fireball definitely feels different.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
Scourge of Nel Toth

Yawgmoth is fundamentally not a fair card, and it also follows the same pattern as the Altars.
I'm benching him, but he may come back.

Scourge of Nel Toth is a neat card. Its a zombie. It gets into the air. Its castable from the graveyard. It checks boxes that make it seem like a good idea. In practice, I have almost always ignored it. I'm benching Scourge for now.

Cutting Brainstorm feels like sacrilege, but I don't have many ways to get rid of the cards I put back. Once I get the fetchlands in the deck Brainstorm will make a triumphant return, but until then I'm going to bench it to make room for other cards.

Dig Through Time
Vampiric Tutor
Demonic Tutor

Dig Through Time is a classic Delve spell. Its probably going to be the last delve spell I add to the deck since the others don't look interesting. I was hoping it would get banned in Pioneer before ordering one, but in the end the 3-4 dollars I might save isn't worth waiting it out.

Vampiric Tutor and Demonic Tutor. Tutors are somewhat contentious in EDH. 100 card singleton is supposed to heavily increase variance. Tutors undercut the replay-ability of the format by being wildcards for the same set of targets. If I wanted this deck to be competitive I would likely be adding way more tutors. As is, I wanted to wait till I identified what I would be tutoring for before adding tutors to the deck. Now that I know what cards I want in a given situation, I'm adding the two best tutors and leaving it at that. I may eventually add more tutors as the deck continues to improve. I expect Varina may come in a bit higher than I anticipated.

The list as it stands now:
I feel like I've gotten there with Varina, and this is likely my last entry specifically about her. There are some upgrades left to be made. The mana rocks could include more expensive options like Mana Crypt. A commenter on a previous article pointed out that Land Tax would be quite excellent. Given the cost of further upgrades. the week to week changes are going to be much fewer now. Worry not! I intend to write a monthly recap of changes and games from all my current decks. I have a plan for the next deck. I'll give you a hint, it shares two colors with Varina and also likes to attack. Cheers!

Back to Week 1 if you want to see how I got here: